May 29, 2011
What a weekend. This is going to be a long entry….you have been warned.
Wow. I did more this weekend than I ever could have imagined. I don’t even know where to start! This weekend was an independent travel weekend for my CIEE program. So I planned to go to Morocco with about 12 others from my program through a travel company called We Love Spain. It was all planned out for us, all we had to do was pay ahead of time and wait and see how to enjoy the ride!
I guess I could start with Friday! Friday we had class. It was a little different than usual though because we had a field trip. Since I was leaving for my Morocco getaway at 2:30 and class is usually 10-1, I packed before I left for class and brought my bag with me. I’m so happy I did that, because our field trip was to a Flamenco dance studio that was entirely too far away haha. We took the metro (a fancy new underground line that Sevilla put in back in 2009 – very modern, but there is only one line. That made me laugh, at least it avoids confusion!) from Puerta de Jerez to Gran Plaza – not a long ride but then when we got off we probably walked 20 minutes. It was very hot out Friday, that was rough. We were late coming back, probably around 1:20. My friends Bianca and Florence who are also in that class had to go back to our school, get our bags, and walk all the way to go get our bus for Morocco! Too hot to be carrying around luggage. I’m not even sure why I am telling this part of the story I got better things to be talking about! Anyway, the bus left around 3PM from Seville, and it took about two and a half to three hours to get to Algeciras, the Ferry Station in Spain to take us across the Mediterranean. The ferry ride was around 45 minutes, and it was more like a cruise ship than a ferry! Haha. We arrived in Cueta, which is a city in Africa that is actually owned by Spain. So at that point, we were still in Spanish territory. We got on another bus and had a tour guide tell us a little about Cueta’s history. Then we waited at customs to go to MOROCCO! - To the city of Tetuan. However, it took about 1 or 2 hours. I can’t remember. That was rough because no one expected it to take that long. It was bearable though because we had a great group of students and an excellent director and tour guide. It was the first time I ever crossed a country’s border via automobile! And now I have a Morocco passport stamp! YES! I am so happy to say I’ve been on the continent of Europe and now Africa!
ANYWAY. Now we’re in Morocco – its around 10:30 PM Spanish time. Apparently Morocco has an hour earlier difference. I was soooo confused the whole trip because I think my watch slowed down and showed the wrong time a majority of the trip. It must have not been able to handle Africa ;) So, I continue…we went straight to our hotel and had some dinner. It was late, so we just went to bed shortly after to prepare for the next full day of things planned…
SO NOW Saturday! Woke up, had breakfast, and had to leave by 8:30 to begin our day. It started with a really long bus ride from Chefchaouen, Morocco. It was a long bus ride, but I slept for most of the way. When I was awake though, there were so many mountains, hills, trees, bushes, grass…everything I thought Africa was going to look like! Which was refreshing, because what we saw of Tetuan looked more like the Middle East than Africa to me, which was unexpected. Chefchaouen was soooo cool. It was a little village where everything was painted white and blue, because blue keeps away mosquitoes apparently. It had so much culture to it. We had a tour guide named Toto, which could have not been a more perfect name for him. He was absolutely hilarious. He is a little old native man. I have a picture of he and I and I am wearing a scarf as a headdress thing that the women wear. When he put it on me I had to bend down, and he said to me “You are very tall, I would have no chance with you!” It was so funny! We had free time after a tour of the town and I bought a few things, including the scarf on my head in the picture. It’s beautiful and I wore it the rest of the day! Then it was back on the bus to go back to Tetuan.
When we arrived back in Tetuan, we had lunch at a restaurant that put on a folkloric floor show of dancing and tricks and henna tattoos. It was really cool. The food was pretty good! I was afraid it would be spicy or something but I actually could handle it. It was some sort of soup, followed by some sort of meat, a chicken empanada, and a biscuit and mint green tea. The tea is something Morocco is famous for, and I can see why! It was very sweet, but not too sweet. It was my favorite part of the meal for sure! After the lunch, we walked around the markets of Tetuan. It was such an experience. It’s really hard to describe, but it was almost necessary to see how the people of Morocco live. It makes you appreciate and value everything you have. Your viewpoint of your life changes after you see some of their living conditions in person. Sure, I’ve been told my problems are nothing compared to those who live in Africa, however I’ve never been able to fully grasp the concept until this weekend. Seeing it in person, even for just a short time, I learned how different the culture and living conditions are…it became very real. I am really happy I got to see it though. My heart goes out to those that live in those conditions and still find happiness and meaningfulness in every day. God bless them, and I’ll do my best to bite my tongue whenever I go on a complaining streak about something so ridiculously petty. Anyway, while I was there I bought cinnamon for my señora – she says it’s the best from Morocco. Before I left for the trip, she asked if I could bring her back some. I am so happy I found it because she was SO excited when I showed it to her tonight before dinner. Apparently it has a different, better taste. Whatever works!
So after Tetuan, of course we had to do something else absolutely insanely African. We first stopped by the Cave of Hercules (yes Elyse and Megan, Hercules). It was the cave where Hercules lived, and I was in Hercules’ sleeping area. After, we went a bit down the road to ride camels. I RODE A CAMEL. My goodness I was terrified, and they are ugly, dirty creatures, but my short camel ride was pretty legit. I’m happy I did it because I won’t be able to ride a camel in Africa again in the near future…at least I don’t think so. I believe we were in the city of Tanger for both the Cave of Hercules and the camel ride. We also got to see where the Mediterannean and atlantic oceans met. Then, it was hotel time. It was around 9 PM when we got there, so it was a long day. Yet it was still going. Dinner was at 10:30 and it included live entertainment. First we saw guys on horses, then a little Moroccan band, a guy that balanced a tray of candles on his head, a magician that messed up a few times, and gymnasts. It was entertaining and I was very happy because I got to eat cous cous! Yay. And after the dinner our group went to a club. “Le Club” what a fancy name right? We danced and had fun then went back to our rooms and sleptttttt because it had been a really long day. And we still have events planned for the next day!
Sunday – woke up around 9, ate, and left at 10. We went to Cueta again and got a tour. We were supposed to have gotten this tour on Friday, but we arrived late. Let me tell you, Cueta is beautiful. As I said before, it’s in Africa but owned by Spain. So we went through customs leaving Morocco and into Cueta. It’s a beach town, and we went up this cliff where the Atlantic was on our left and the Mediterranean was on our right and Spain was straight ahead, while Morocco was right behind us. WOW. It was breathtakingly beautiful. My camera started to die here but I wish I could have taken more pictures. I loved this town because it had a nice beach vibe yet it was very Spanish-y, with a twist of African feel. I thought I wanted to move here someday…but that changed by later in the trip. You’ll see ; )
After Cueta, we got on the Ferry back to Algeciras, where we started. About 25 minutes after we got off the ferry, we arrived in Gibraltar. Now, something I did not know at all is that Gibraltar is on the continent of Europe, connected to Spain, yet ruled by the United Kingdom. Therefore, this town had an English vibe to it. It has many naval bases as well as beaches, but mainly it is a very high peak. We took a bus up there and stopped into Saint Michael’s Cave. It is a very old cave and it was very unique. After, we stopped and got to hang out with monkeys. Literally. Monkeys live in Gibraltar and have since the 5th century. Yes, I have been spitting out random history facts that I would have never ever learned unless I went on this trip. I hate history, it bores me to death, but when these towns are in front of me, I actually care and want to learn! WHAT IS THIS! No but really, I did learn so much on this entire trip. It was soooo valuable. However, back to Gibraltar. I adored this place. I decided it’d be a great place to live someday because it is UK ruled and I love British people, it is within walking distance from Spain, and a ferry ride from Africa. Now, that is GLOBAL (Hi Rico, like my word choice?). So this was our last stop on our long, long weekend. We got back to Sevilla around 9:30 PM, when I ate dinner and caught up with my señora (she had a wedding to go to this past weekend, she wore a really pretty dress she showed me it! Haha).
Now I’m just relaxing and writing this ridiculously long play-by-play of my weekend. I am so happy I had this opportunity and actually took it. I don’t know the next time I will ever be able to go to Africa and have everything planned out. Most likely never. It was so great. So so great. Reflecting back, it was an amazing learning experience and I loved it!
So tired, I hope this post made sense! Haha adios!
May 22, 2011
(Note- there's a post below this one about my Saturday as well! Enjoy!)
Hiiiiii! Today we went hiking. Left at 9am, came back by like, 5. It was hard. Wow. 7 miles, and it wasn’t a straight path. I have the scars to prove it! But it was worth it. There’s not much that goes on in Sevilla on Sundays. Many shops are closed. And today was a big day because it was an election day. So I went hiking…
I took a lot of pictures of scenery. It was pretty and I’m glad I went. I went mainly for the workout because I haven’t had time to go for a run or anything – and since the food here is muy deliciosa, I don’t want to come back huge J
It took an hour and a half to get there. I slept the whole way hehe. But it was north west of Sevilla, towards Portugal. We had a guide that told us what certain things were. We smelled many plants – ahaha. The highlights: there are wild horses, bring more water next time, we got chased by a herd of wild pigs (yes, wild pigs), and I got to eat cherries off of a tree!!!
I’m trying to upload pictures onto Facebook right now. If you do not have a Facebook, find someone who does to look at my pictures! That is, if it works – 38 minutes remaining? Ugh!
Classes start tomorrow. I will have class every day from 10-1. Not bad! It’ll be very nice to get into a routine.
Mi senora is very nice. She said she is an independent person. She works as a freelance real estate agent so she basically does what she wants. The independent part works well for me – she’s never home so I don’t feel bad when I’m not home either!
Wow this picture uploading thing is taking forever, I hope my computer makes it! What else can I talk about…
So far, wha I’ve learned is Spain is amazing. I feel like everything makes more sense here. From the way the cities make everything convenient to get to, eating a big lunch late in the day, and a lighter dinner way later, the public bike system & transportation in general…ah the list goes on and on. They also are very energy conservant. I can’t describe it, but it’s very European and it makes so much sense the way they live. I like it.
At the café today I ordered Te Roja (red tea). It’s very good and I’m not much of a tea person!
Alright I’m out of things to say and I’m sure you’re tired of hearing from me! Hahah!
Hasta luego!
(PS – 2 blog posts in a day!? LOOK AT ME GO! Just kidding I typed the other last night and just copied & pasted, and then wrote this one today)
May 21, 2011
So today was Cádiz!
It was a perfect day weather wise. It was not too hot or too cold, sun was out, not a cloud in the sky! I woke up, showered, ate breakfast, packed my bags, and we were off by 9:30! Our group met at a meeting spot and 9 and we took a bus. It was about an hour and 15 minutes away – not bad at all! Plus it was a nice bus haha. When we got there, we had 3 tour guides that taught us about the city.
The city is divided into 2 parts – “nueva” y “vieja” (old & new). The new part has more modern buildings while the old part is sooooo quaint. Cádiz is the oldest city in Western Europe. I can’t remember the year it was built, but 1500’s sounds about right. We took a bus through the town with the guides telling us information about buildings and such. Then we got off and began an hour and a half walking tour. We stopped at many important monuments. I took lots of pictures but I can’t remember what half of the places were called. They were important historically with the “constitución” in Cádiz, but the tour was in Spanish so I wouldn’t get the names right if I tried haha. I did understand & learn a lot though!
After the walking tour we had free time. My friends and I literally spent a good 4 hours on the beach and it was awesome. Beautiful beautiful. Working on my tan so I can blend in with my Spaniards a bit more. Which reminds me, when I was walking home from cena last night my friend and I got a bit lost. I stopped and asked someone for directions but we were all confused. (Side note – you all know how good I usually am with directions. I’m pretty good with knowing where I am and where I am going. But Seville, and probably many other places in Europe, is so different. The streets are narrow and winding and there’s probably 400,000 of them, and they’re unlabeled. I’ve never had the feeling of ‘being lost’ really in my life until I got here. Wow!) Anyway, the people that were trying to help us asked my friend where she was from (she’s from NY) and then they proceeded to ask me if I was from Seville! I was excited because I was talking to them in Spanish to begin with. I’ll take it as a complement J
We left Cádiz around 5:30. I got back around 7 and showered and changed. I could barely keep my eyes open! My señora got back around 9, we ate by 9:30, then I went to the café to check my email and facebook. I’m sorry if I don’t get back to you all promptly but I really appreciate the posts and messages you have sent! They make me smile, and I do read them, but sometimes I don’t have time to write back, so I’m sorry in advanced!
Spain is great. I understand more and more every day. Immersion really is the only way to really learn Spanish. I hope to be able to respond more very soon. Anyway, I’m exhausted and tomorrow we are hiking (7-9 miles oh dear!). I probably won’t post this until after the hike, or maybe even Monday. Pictures will be coming soon on my facebook as well. I’m awful at taking pictures unfortunately, and most of them are of buildings. They don’t do the real deal justice though. This place is sooooo beyond words beautiful!
Hasta pronto!
I’m sitting on my bed of my new home! I just moved in with mi señora (my host mom). She lives in the cutest little apartment in a great location! I am in “el centro” of Sevilla! But it’s the perfect spot for “living” she says. There’s the REAL center of the city where there are shops, and she’s right outside of it. She lives on the first floor which is nice, it made it easy to move my heavy suitcase in!
I don’t believe I have internet here, either. I think that’s what she said. She lives in a really tight, corner, almost “alley” that I couldn’t even find on a map (don’t worry, it’s not the kind of alley you are thinking of! Much safer). However, there are so many wi-fi spots close by so I will just walk there with my laptop when I need it. So here I am again typing this in a word document! Haha. I feel so disconnected from the world but I actually love it. I just bought a cell phone today, but I don’t really know how to use it so I won’t. It’s basically used to just to call/text my friends here because phone time is expensive in España!
So anyway, since I have a lot of time and I’m not doing anything until later, I’ll talk about my day today and yesterday! Yesterday we did a walking tour of the city – it POURED, of course! Very wet. But this place is seriously beautiful. I can’t even describe it, it’s nothing at all comparable to anything in the United States. We also ate “la comida” (lunch) before that tour. It’s very popular to “comer tapas” – which are like appetizers. We ordered a lot of little appetizers so we can try them all. So far my favorite is la tortilla de patata – it’s like a big omelet but not really haha. I took a picture. Hopefully I can upload them soon. Then, at night we went out to dinner with our groups (we’re divided into small groups so it’s easier to do things – this is also how we went to lunch). We did the tapas thing again. Then after, we went to see a Flamenco! It was interesting. I thought it was much more bright & vibrant and upbeat than it was, but it was actually calm – kind of like a yoga atmosphere. Maybe there are different types of Flamenco – I will find out! Because I found out today I am taking the Flamenco history class I wanted! Yay!
And this morning, we woke up, had breakfast, and had an orientation meeting. The CIEE people are great, this program is wonderful and I’d highly recommend it. Everyone is so passionate about their jobs & willing to help. We also have so many opportunities – trips, volunteering, sports, and we also get an “intercambio” student which is a Spanish student our age that wants to learn English. They’re basically automatic friends that you can practice Spanish with. Pretty cool!
After the orientation was over, two other girls and me ran to try to get cell phones really quickly. It wasn’t quick, but we got them! I’m still not sure how it works, but I wanted to make sure I had my friends’ numbers before we all split up to our homestays. Around 1-1:30, my señora picked me up from the hotel! I love her already. Her name is Gloría Roldan Martínez. She’s 45, and has two children that are grown up and moved out (boys, I believe). She did not mention her husband, but I didn’t expect her to. Many of the señoras are either widowed or divorced, so since those are both touchy subjects – I didn’t bother asking! Anyway, her apartment is perfect. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room. I have my own cute little room that I took pictures of. When I got here I moved things in while she prepared la comida (lunch). I gave her my little presents – which she loved! Salt water taffy, peanut chews, magnets, and a T-shirt that says “Philadelphia soft pretzel.” She liked the t-shirt the most for sure hahaha. Then we had lunch and talked. I understood a lot more than I would have thought! I told her about my family and my school and we also discussed a little Spanish politics (!?!?) not my field haha but she seemed very passionate about it! We ate this delicious gazpacho called sal ______ something, I can’t remember but she’s going to give me the recipe because it was SOOO GOOD. And then we had some sort of “hamburger” that she called it. It was like two things of meat and no bun). It kinda reminded me of a meatloaf but not really. It was good! Those of you who know me well know that I don’t like meat very much, especially red meat. But I’ve been good the past few days trying everything!!! Everything is so flavorful; as well as prepared & presented well, so it’s hard not to like it!
Now I’m just relaxing. Tonight we’re going out to dinner with students that are placed in the same areas as us. We meet at 8, and it’s only 3:45 now, so I have some time to relax for the first time in a while! I don’t know what to do with myself! I wish I had internet so I could talk to you all but I’ll post this as soon as I can!
Tomorrow we are going to Cadíz, as mentioned in the previous post. It’s going to be soooo beautiful and I absolutely cannot wait! Sunday we are hiking – dios mio…I don’t even know where but they said it’s 9 miles. Gotta stay in shape some how I guess!
That is all for now! Hasta luego amigos!
PS: update. picture of me and the coffee shop i'm posting this from with WiFi! in case you missed my face :) which is a sleepy face because i just woke up from mi siesta (nap) hehe
Hola amigos!
Well, I made it! It’s 10:28PM Spanish time, Wednesday May 18, 2011! I’ve been up for over 24 hours I think? The flight over was great. US Airways has PERSONAL, TOUCH SCREEN players for EVERY passenger. I was in awe! I could watch movies, TV shows, listen to music….it was crazy! I didn’t touch my iPod! I watched “The King’s Speech” – which was sooooo good. And also an episode of Glee (Vitamin D! one of my favorites) and an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. I was entertained, and fed (pasta for dinner, a Danish thing for breakfast). However, I was not on time. Our flight was late boarding, and late for take off. We didn’t take off until around 8PM when we were supposed to take off at 6:30. This lead to problems when I got to Madrid…
…My AVE train ticket was for 10:05 AM. I got my bags and everything around 9:30. It takes 40 mins to get to them, so I ended up missin g my train. I didn’t think it was a big deal, but oh dear was it ever…I had NO idea how ATOCHE train station was set up let alone find out how to get a new ticket! After a million concierge’s and a trillion ”preguntas” (questions) later, I finally got my ticket switched!
On the AVE, I sat next to a woman who works at Virginia Commonweath Univeristy, and ended up knowing someone that knows my dad! Small world. She was soooooo sweet though and made me feel so much better after my hectic morning! She also recommended for me to visit Cadiz – and I just found out we’re going there Saturday! It’s a beautiful beach south of here I can’t wait.
Finally, took a taxi to our orientation hotel. It’s beautiful!!!!!!!! So much better than what I expected! I took a few pictures that I’ll post later.
A few people walked around Seville until our first cena (dinner) together. This place is seriously not real. I’ve only been here for a few hours and it’s MAGNIFICENT. The architecture, the parks, the shops….I can’t even describe it. Of course I forgot my camera, but lots of my new abroad friends took pictures! I’ll steal a few and put them up. Plus there will be many more opportunities for pictures over the next seven weeks.
Ok well I’m exhausted – I am going to bed and I have a busy day tomorrow! I don’t have internet right now so I’m going to post this in the near future!