Monday, November 19, 2012

Primer día de escuela

Today was my first day of school! Que guay.

I was so nervous. I had no idea what to expect. However, literally EVERYONE was so nice. The principal, the teachers, the little nuns, and the children are adorable. I will be changing classrooms throughout the day and working with different classes. I think I get the chance to see everyone in the school, basically. The school is obviously not as big as the ones in the United States! I think it's a private school, too. The school also serves from age 1 until "la secundaria" who I will meet with tomorrow and not sure of how old they are ahha. Today I got a lot of questions and answers from the students. Some of my favorites:

"Cual es tu serpiente favorito" (what is your favorite snake)
"Sabes Pique? Te pareces como Shakira" (Do you know Pique? You look like Shakira.) <--HA!
"Te gusta Ávila?" (Do you like Ávila?)
"Tienes fincas donde vives?" (Do you have plantations where you live?)

Those were only some of the fine questions I remember because they stuck out in my head. The students take "English" as a subject in school, and they also learn science in English. I was very, very impressed! I wonder if I'm going to have to teach the science...yikes! But I think the most important part is that I teach English.

At the end of the day, I was with 3&4 year olds. I got to read them a story and give them directions for English activities. Holy smokes they're definitely my favorite because they're so cute and quick to warm up. I got hugs already. Hehe.

I'm currently looking for lesson plans and simple things to teach. So if any of my teacher friends think of anything fun to do to teach English...please let me know! Movement songs are the best in my opinion ;)

That's all for now. Sorry I haven't taken many pictures because I don't want to look like such a tourist. But take my word for it, this place is superhermosa (beautiful)!



  1. Hi Shakira....I mean Kate! How awesome is that, I would love those kids right away. You are going to have an amazing time because you have jumped right in and aren't afraid of anything. We will be thinking of you on Thanksgiving, and missing you! xoxo

  2. Hi Kate. WELCOME to Spain. You are so brave. I admire you so much for travelling all the way to Spain to Student Teach. So who are the cute little nuns? You know that I would notice that. Are you teaching at a Catholic school? I feel so relieved. How precious that the 3-4 year olds gave you all those hugs. You must have cherished that. I love the photo of your dorm room. Wishing you good health and continued happiness. I'm so excited for you and ok, a little envious. Enjoy this memorable experience!! Thanks for keeping us updated with your posts. Love ya, Donna
